Tuesday 6 March 2012

LLadro Stamps.

Lladro was originally started by 3 brothers. In the beginning they started by producing table are but then soon moved onto the figurines we know today.
The Figurines are instantly recognisable because they are made from hard paste porcelain. The techniques and ingredients for this particular method are kept a closely guarded secret, only known by a few.

Lladro Collectors Society Mark
Lladro Trademark - 1990 to present day
Lladro Backstamp Logo - 1984 to 1989
Lladro DAISA Stamp - 1977 to 1984
Lladro Backstamp - 1974 to 1977
Lladro Logo - 1971 to 1974
Lladro Trademark - 1965 to 1970
Lladro Mark - 1960 to 1963

This Lladro stamp is used exclusively for the  Lladro Collectors Society mark  for their "Members Only" figurines.

This was introduced in 1990 abd in use today. It had an altered bell flower and different typeface.

The sixth stamp used by Lladro added a copyright date and was used from around 1984 to 1989.

Used from 1977 to 1984. with the copyright acronym DAISA (Disenos Artisticos E Industriales, S.A.)

This trademark was used from about 1971 to 1974.

This Lladro mark was used from 1974 to 1977. 

This trademark replaced the initial one and was used from around 1965 to 1970.

The original Lladro trademark was used between 1960 to 1963.

There are many Lladro items on sale at Just Pip it along with many from the LLadro Nao series


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