Antiques and Silverware

Do you have unwanted inherited antiques? Or maybe just downsizing? Through our established network of collectors and buyers we can offer a great platform for you to sell your antiques. From Gold Snuff boxes to Edwardian tables we can offer you a great service to achieve top prices for all of your unwanted antiques. The items that tend to sell well and hit there true market values are; silverware, gold and signature pieces, the older and more unusual the better! From Allen Jones iconic 1960s sculpture furniture to the ever popular and elegant Chippendale.

At Just Pip It, we can give an estimated market valuation for selling in today's climate. Valuations may take up to 14 days and if you do decide to use our services to sell the antique item, we will sell the item in our shop in Central London, but also on a various number of online auction houses. Just Pip It are far more than just an Ebay broker. We advertise your items as thoroughly as possible to make sure items sell for at least its original valuation.

Only once the item is sold, do we get paid. Visit Just Pip It for more information, or alternately email


An interesting blog about Hall-Marks.

An interesting blog about Louis XV furniture.

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