Wednesday 28 March 2012

Elizabethan Clothing Laws

Queen Elizabeth Dress -All gold dresses could only be worn by Royalty
Fashion plays a great role in the lives of people today; it displays our values and projects who we want to be and where we are going.  Many would think this is a relatively new phenomenon, where in fact it is quite the opposite today we are relatively relaxed about fashion and the meaning behind our attire. If you go back to Elizabethan times  things were quite different – Clothes said everything about you from you class, rank and positioning in the social hierarchy.

Clothing worn by Nobility

“Sumputuary law” derived from the Latin 'Sumptuariae leges' governing the laws brought into force in order to systematise the people’s habits around clothing, food, trade or business. The Sumputuary laws were passed in 1571 during Queen Elizabeth I rule. An example of this is that everyone aged 6 and above has to wear a woolen cap on Sundays and holidays.

Elizabethan clothing law was very strict for women. There were restrictions on the type of fabrics, materials, colours and cuts that could be used for making the clothes. Along with the restriction mentioned above, the ladies of the upper classes were spending was capped at 100 pounds a year on their clothing.

These laws made hierarchy ridged and on show; only the Duchesses, Marquises and the Countesses could wear any cloth made of silk, fur or tissue. The luxury fabrics like silk, satin, mixed or embroidered clothes having gold, silver or even pearl on them was strictly reserved for the Aristocracy.

Fabrics such as  velvet, furs, leopard fur, or any silk embroidery, enameled chains, buttons , agelets, and laces on the dresses made of gold or silver thread were only for the Ladies of Aristocracy  (not wealth), or the wives of Knights of the Garter and the Privy Council, Privy Chamber and Maids of Honour.
Usage of Silk Grosgrain, Camlet or Kirtles of Stain were permitted for women who were wives of the sons of the Knight's heirs, and their daughters or even those who could afford to spent 40 pounds year on their fashion.

The use of Velvet, Satin, Gold or Silver in the petticoats was only permissible for women who were wives of Barons, Knights, or were Maids of Honour, and Damask or other materials made from silk were to be worn in the petticoats by the daughters of the Knights.

It can thus be seen that the Sumptuary laws forced the Elizabethan people to abide by it. As a result of the enforcement of this law, there was only a certain type of fabric and material used by the different sections of the society which in turn helped in the easy identification of the person's social ranking.


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