Tuesday 27 March 2012

Louis XVI Furniture - The Style Guide.

The Louis the XVI era brought about a great change in appearance and style - ushering in the more delicate and dainty characteristics typical of that time. Here is a quick list of the changes from the previous styles.

Louis XVI Style   
  • The structure of Louis XVI furniture evolved into a more linear and rectangular style giving up the ostentatious curves and bows of the previous Louis styles.
  • The legs were mostly straight, either being reeded, turned and fluted or turned and spiral.
  • Classicism returned, although it was more naïve than that of the Brothers Adam and often appears dainty and somewhat playful.
  • Generally speaking, all the elements were fine and dainty, perhaps appearing more so following the Louis XIV and Louis XV eras.
  • Ornament changed dramatically from the two previous periods. It became far more subtle. The depictions were of cherubs, nymphs, birds and pastoral scenes.
  • Flat surfaces on cabinets were often framed by straight borders or parallel borders rather than ornament.
  • Bisymmetric balance returned.
  • The colors tended toward the pastels with lots of neutrals, again a departure from the previous eras.
  • Furniture was often painted. In fact, more furniture was painted during this era than any other period.
  • The overall style is definitely feminine, being dainty and in many cases the pieces were smaller.
  • Mahogany was the wood of preference although all woods were used.
  • Upholstery fabrics were mostly brocades, as in the two previous eras, but with smaller and quieter designs.

a class of richly decorative shuttle woven fabric, often made in colored silks 
The earlier Louis XV Style.

To buy a Antiques French Furniture visit www.justpipit.co.uk


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