Friday 16 March 2012

Art Movements - A short guide 500 A.D - 1800

Medieval Art
Classifies the art of the middle ages 500 A.D to the late 14th Century.


This style dominated Art and Architecture in Europe between the 9th and 12th centuries. This is based on the ideals of ancient Rome.  

Madonna and Child - Raphael.
Is the renewal of interest in the older classical art for the Greek etc. This begin in Italy in the 14th century and began to spread across Europe until the  16th Century. Its most famous leaders being Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.

El Greco
 An Italian movement started around the mid-16th century. It mainly focused on the human figure with distortion and elongation - El Greco is a great example of this style.


A European Movement during the 17th and 18th centuries. Its main characteristics are of opulence, drama and to overwhelm with spender - This was not only a movement in Art, with Artist such as Giovanni Bernini being a great example of this but also of Architecture, an example of this would be the Palace of Versailles.  

The Swing - Jean Honore Fragonard
Predominately a French Style mainly used for interior decoration developed during Louis XV. Once again quite opulent, golds and silvers, with an interest in curves, prettiness and gaiety. This also transposed to Art.

Is an 18th Century reaction to the flamboyance and excess of Baroque and Rococo, this tried to recapture the art of Greece and Rome by reinterpreting the ancient classics both in style and matter. 

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