Wednesday 14 March 2012

Diamonds - A quick guide.

When talking about diamonds you are entering a minefield, with the different terminology and language used it is hard to know if what you are being sold. Here is a quick guide to understanding you diamonds and the sellers.

Lets begin with the facets. The facets simply means every cut edge taken off the diamond. Thus every Edge is a facet. The way the Facets are cut it to show off and bring out the best qualities of every diamond.

Below is a diagram of a diamond with its various parts labelled.


The Pavilion.

The Pavilion is the bottom half of the diamond - the Facets cut below the Girdle - The Pavilion is made from 3 different types of facet: the lower girdle facet, pavilion facet and the cutlet.  

There are 16 lower Girdle Facets (In purple) they are called this because they sit just below the Girdle of the diamond. While the 8 Pavilion facets (In green) lay between the girdle facets and the cutlet (In blue) which the the point at the bottom. 
The importance of these facets is they redirect the light to exit the diamond through the crown into the eyes of the beholder. 


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